Ugh, Those Feels Again
There’s a time to fall. There’s a time to be raw. There’s a time to bloom. There’s a time to blossom. As she carefully watched the trees, she smiled and thought: We all go through it. ~seasons.
Maame Marion
Have you heard of seasonal depression?
The weather went from a hundred to zero in a matter of what feels like seconds. It is officially sweater season/hoodie season/grey sweatpants season. Stay at home and make plans inside kind of season. It is easy to get as moody and gloomy as the weather outside , I don’t blame you.
With cloudy and cold days, the sun rising late and setting early, all anyone really wants to do is get cozied up or be on the plane to a place that is far away from fall. Preferably with a lot of sunshine, sand, sun dresses, shorts, sangria and sobolo. It was Spring just a minute ago and then we blinked our way through “Summer” and now here we are in Fall. Shedding what’s no longer serving us, letting go of the dead weight and getting ready for the cold months ahead also with a tinge of excitement in the air because it means rebirth is not too far away: the amount of things we can learn by simply observing nature. But how can we see beauty when we are shedding our leaves? When what was once green and full of life is losing life in the most beautiful colors, turning into sweet nothings? I know I have had troubles with adjusting to transitions. Wrapping my mind around the fact that things are changing and whatever I thought would happen might not happen or at least not in the way I thought it would. Fall has always been very significant to me. Funny enough, a lot of life altering changes have happened during fall. Whether it was my second big chop, making that phone call that changed the course of my love life, getting fired, getting promoted, failing a very important exam (yes, it was my third try), writing my heart out on hundred sheets of paper and the list goes on and on.
With all its sadness, fall has also brought beauty. And isn’t that what life is about? Beauty and the beast. Paradise and the snake. Heaven and hell. Life and death. One not being able to exist without the other. Transition and the loss it brings can also be a wonderful sight to behold, just look at the trees during fall and tell me I’m wrong. I’ve been in my feelings lately, maybe because cold weather makes me want to turn inward and not go outside and the comfort of my blanket on my couch makes my mind comfortable enough to let my thoughts wander. Turning inward will have you realizing things that are so obvious it leaves you in awe of how you could have missed it. Things like appreciating people around you and telling them, no matter how awkward you think it seems, that you love them. Catching up with old and new friends by picking up your phone and calling them can feel like sunshine because of the laughter you didn’t know you desperately needed. Trying out new things like changing your look (cutting your hair for example: I’ve done it a couple of times and I loved it) that makes you see yourself in a new way. Going for that new nail color (yes, I tried color instead of going for nude and I feel like a brand new woman) or even picking up old hobbies that were left along the road because life just got too busy. Turn those fall feels into freedom instead of it turning you into a ball of frustration. Let the old leaves go and watch your colors change while you prepare for winter.
Because winter is coming (does anyone else miss game of thrones like I do, or is it just me?) what best way to approach the seasonal change than to prepare yourself from the inside out? We are ten months in, October just opened its doors letting in a new season. How do you feel? Really feel?