4 Page Letter

I have been writing letters lately.

Letters to myself past, present and future. I tell my 9 year old self that she will heal, that the trauma that shattered her young life will not keep her down. Letting my 16 year old self know that life won’t always be like this. Telling my 22 year old self that losing herself will get her on a path that will lead her to finding her true self. Writing to my 30 year old self how great life will be, because through it all I’ve learned that: the best is yet to come. 

Words are my way to get through things and it is no wonder that my love language is words of affirmation. Words help me heal, they help me regain strength when I feel weak. Words are powerful and way too many times we speak out words that affect our lives in the long run. Diminishing our worth in the process and mistaking mediocrity for humility. 

On that note: accept the compliment, let it get to your head that you are as amazing as they say you are!

Humility is great do not get me wrong but downplaying your greatness will get you no where. Trust and believe me because I used to be the queen of brushing off compliments and not embracing kind words because they seemed suspicious. Still working on that by the way. Of course kind words can seem suspicious when you have not been very kind to yourself and have nurtured an environment of negativity and putting yourself down. It starts with a "I can’t" and goes on with a "I am not good enough" and then you find yourself in a downward spiral of doubting yourself and giving up on yourself but not today not tomorrow and not ever again. So I have been writing letters lately, letters to myself and the things I went through that I still carry with me in a sweet little handbag calling it a cute accessory when in reality it is a sh*t load of baggage that is weighing me down and has everything but cute written all over it.

I write encouraging words, I write how I feel now versus how I felt back then, I write what I know my younger self needed to hear and did not get to hear enough or many times not at all. There are secrets hidden and locked away in the depths of our minds and hearts, secrets we share with the different versions of us. Secrets that need to be dealt with and let go to make space for better things and when we do not feel or think we are ready to share those secrets with anyone else, we might share them with God but we also need to share them with ourselves first, breaking free from denial by facing the elephant that has taken up space within our lives. So I write letters, personal intimate letters. 

In the face of the future I write hopeful letters. The kind that uplift your spirit while you write them. The kind that leaves you with a smile on your face when you put the pen down because it makes you eager to do something, it makes you anticipate the future you are forming in this very moment, in the right here and now.

So whether it is half a page, four pages or a hundred. 

Write it, try it out in the name of self care. Especially when the scented candles and hot baths haven’t been doing it for you lately.

Dive deeper into self.

In order to invoke generational blessings we must deal and get rid of the generational curses, one day at a time.




Love and Happiness
